With all the news about black mold and its effects on your health, you may be a little worried if you see mold in your house, especially if you think it looks like black mold. You may already know that some types of mold are toxic and can cause health problems, while others do not affect your health, and are only a cosmetic problem. Mold testing kits purchased in stores and online are not suitable for mold testing. They would not help you uncover the mold in your home. Mold testing kits purchased directly from a reputable laboratory can help you determine if the mold in your home is a problem.
Traditional thinking was not to bother identifying the type of mold inside a house, but to simply remove it with bleach and water. Many experts no longer recommend use of bleach because it’s not only toxic but its effect on mold is short-lived.
And wouldn’t you like to know if mold in your house is making people sick?

Unfortunately, you can’t identify what type of mold is in your house by looking at a picture. Even someone specialized in mold identification cannot identify types of house mold by pictures only. This is where a mold testing laboratory can help you. Click Mold Testing Kits for more details.
If you have visible mold in your house, don’t panic! A simple, inexpensive lab test using clear scotch tape can provide you with peace of mind.
Buy visible mold testing kits and send samples to the laboratory and they will tell you whether the mold in your home is a toxic mold such as Aspergillus, Stachybotrys or Acremonium, or simply of cosmetic concern. To watch a video on how to take samples of visible mold click Visible Mold Sampling Instructions.
We’re a private laboratory specializing in identifying mold. We’ve identified literally thousands of house mold samples from across Canada.
What you do is send us samples of visible mold growing in your house on ordinary clear scotch tape!
What we do is examine your mold samples under powerful microscopes, and within a few days, we’ll send you a report that will:
- Identify the types of mold in your house.
- Tell you whether the mold is toxic or rather harmless
- Direct you to informational resources or companies that can help you remove the mold safely.
Don’t Delay. Left Alone, Mold Continues to Grow. Send us your samples today! To send the samples click Mold Testing Kits
Make sure you know what type of mold is in your home. Make sure you know whether it’s hazardous to your health or not, and make sure you know exactly how to remove it. It’s easy, it’s affordable and it will give you peace of mind.
Click Learn More… for more details. Should you have any question regarding mold testing kits, please feel free to contact the lab directly at (905)290-9101.
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